The Sustainable Finance Research Group is comprised of professors from University of Hamburg in the area of Finance, Accounting and Strategy as well as senior fellows from the financial sector. Our aim is to highlight the role of financial markets and investments for sustainability in business practice.

With a focus on promoting responsible investment and environmental, social, and economic principles, the conferences provide a platform for scholars to share their latest research findings and exchange ideas on sustainable finance practices.
The Sustainable Finance Research Group conferences feature keynote speeches by renowned experts in the field, offering insights into emerging trends and innovations shaping the future of sustainable finance.
Event zum Sustainable Finance Gipfel 2023​
Der jährlich vom Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany (GSFCG) organisierte Sustainable-Finance-Gipfel wird in 2023 erstmalig in einem mehrtägigen und dezentralen Format stattfinden.
Im Rahmen des Gipfels veranstaltet die Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit den Partnerinstitutionen der WPSF und dem Sustainable Finance & Climate Protection (SFCP)-Projekt am Dienstag, den 14.11.2023, ein Event in Hamburg. Read more >>

Impact Jahreskonferenz: Brückenschlag von Wissenschaft zur Realwirtschaft
Nach dem Erfolg der letztjährigen Veranstaltung will die zweite hochrangige Impact Konferenz in Deutschland am 04.10.2023 wertvolle Einblicke in die Impact-Investing-Landschaft geben und die Umsetzung von wirkungsvollen Projekten durch Beispiele aus der Praxis und Diskussionen zwischen führenden Expert:innen auf diesem Gebiet fördern.
Neben Impact-Konzeptualisierung und -Messbarkeit geht es auf der Konferenz um zentrale Fragen wie Finanzierung und Lebenszyklus von Impact, Schwellenwerten, ab denen Impact relevant wird, sowie den möglichen Konflikten zwischen Nachhaltigkeitszielen. Read more >>

PRI Conference 2017
The PRI collaborated with University of Hamburg for the ninth Academic Network Conference. We were delighted that the conference was once again part of PRI in Person and was held on 26-27 September at the InterContinental Berlin.
The event was for academic researchers in the field of SRI and gave also the opportunity to academics and investors to engage with each other, learn and discuss the latest insights, and to network. Read more >>

GRONEN Conference 2016
The field of business sustainability continues to wrestle with an unsolved tension. On the one hand, firms continue to thrive and extend their business capacity. On the other hand, there is now decades of accumulated evidence that many industries’ production patterns are not sustainable.
While experts call for more sustainable business practices, many business leaders still believe that being environmentally and socially sustainable comes at a cost to their shareholder. Read more >>

ERIIC Conference 2015
To what extent and how can capitalist structures and processes foster, encourage, or facilitate social and environmental responsibility in business? This question is a vigorously debated issue with a long history, particularly given the increasing influence of, and research on, sustainable investment.
In recent years, sustainable investment practices have increasingly gained importance in capital markets. In fact, stock market data show that sustainable investments have reached US$ 10.6 trillion globally. Read more >>